Google cancels third-party cookies deprecation

Google communicated that it will no longer phase out third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. Instead, the company is introducing a new approach that allows users to “make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing”. Let’s take a closer look at the current situation. 24 of July, 2024 After years of deliberation, Google […]

Is Attention The New Viewability?

In the ever-changing AdTech landscape, attention metrics have emerged as a pivotal solution for advertisers seeking to maximize the impact of their ad campaigns without tracking cookies. While traditional metrics like viewability rate offer valuable insights, they fall short of capturing real user ad engagement. Attention measurement solutions delve deeper, providing a comprehensive understanding of […]

Increasing ad revenue in a cookieless 2024: challenge accepted.

It has begun, 2024 marks the end of third-party cookies from Chrome. 1% of 3PC is already being deprecated from Google’s browser. Implementing alternatives and harnessing first-party data, are becoming a critical priority before the complete phase-out of third-party cookies, initially scheduled for the second half of 2024… But that is not the only challenge […]

Traffic Shaping: how to reduce the advertising carbon footprint of your media?

Traffic Shaping

The latest trend adopted by media publishers? Traffic shaping. This technique, which selects demand partners according to a number of criteria, increases advertising profitability, improves media loading times and reduces the digital carbon footprint of the publisher and the programmatic industry. More explanations in our article. What is traffic shaping? In programmatic advertising, SSPs (Sell-Side […]

7 tips to limit unsold inventory

In this context of macroeconomic crisis and cut of advertising expenses, publishers need all the keys to limit their unsold inventory. In this new article, you will find 7 tips that can help you fill your remnant inventory at its maximum capacity. Tip #1 – Exploit all the formats and media types First, for all […]

Understanding the principles of client-side vs. server-side header bidding

Header bidding has become a leading programmatic technology over the years as it improves advertising revenue compared to traditional yield management methods of waterfall passbacks. Understanding the whole process behind header bidding is key to optimize your turnover. In this article, we will highlight the differences between client-side and server-side header bidding. What is a […]

6 Reasons to Deploy Dynamic Price Floors for Your Ad Inventories

Adapting to market changes in order to stay competitive and continually optimizing ad inventories are the main areas of focus for publishers. To guarantee optimum performance, Opti Digital’s Opti Yield solution finds the ideal price for media using advanced dynamic floor pricing technology. Why should you deploy an automated price floor solution to maximize your yield? Find […]